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Volvo, which means “I roll” in Latin, is Sweden’s largest and best-known carmaker. It gained international recognition for its durable, American-inspired models like the PV544 and Amazon in the 1950s, and for the sexy P1800 coupe in the 1960s.
A pioneer in car safety, Volvo developed the first three-pointed safety belt as well as the first rear-facing child seat, and was the first to introduce side airbags as standard equipment. Volvo’s boxy “brick” sedans and wagons of the 1970s to 1990s, such as the 240, are also famous for their longevity and reliability as well as their early adoption of turbo technology. In 2010, Volvo came under the ownership of Chinese carmaker Geely, and as of 2019 all new Volvos include an electric motor in their powertrain.

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