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Select the Rolls-Royce model you want to see current market prices for
Rolls-Royce is one of the most recognized brands in the world, with a name that is synonymous with extreme luxury. Founded in 1904, the company’s first car was the Rolls-Royce 10 HP, which was well received by the public. In 1906, Rolls-Royce introduced the 40/50 HP, or the “Silver Ghost” as it was nicknamed. This model established a new benchmark for excellence with period press anointing the Silver Ghost as “the best car in the world.”
The Phantom continued to advance Rolls-Royce’s reputation following World War I, and Rolls became the de facto choice of royalty, celebrities, and the ultra-wealthy. The Silver Wraith, Silver Dawn, Silver Cloud, and Silver Shadow, comprised the majority of post-WWII production, with the Camargue, Corniche, and Flying spur rounding out the model line-up at the end of the 20th Century.
Today Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd. is owned by BMW, and produces thoroughly modern interpretations of what staid luxury looks like. Models include the Phantom, Ghost, Wraith, and Dawn, with the Culligan luxury SUV joining the fleet in 2018.
Cost-no-object car collectors who appreciate refined luxury continue to seek out new Rolls-Royces as well as classic models.

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