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Select the Nissan model you want to see current market prices for
Although its cars wore a Datsun badge here in America until the mid-1980s, Nissan is one of Japan’s oldest automakers. For enthusiasts, Nissan made a name for itself in the 1960s and 1970s with cars like the Fairlady Z and Skyline.
The 300ZX, 350Z and 370Z, and current Z are two-seater favorites, while the GT-R versions of Nissan’s Skyline model established the company as a master of cutting-edge performance technology and all-wheel drive systems. Since the introduction of the R32-generation in 1989, GT-R badged Nissans have been some of the quickest and most advanced cars in the world relative to their cost. Their exploits on film and in video games have endeared them to tuners and racers alike.
Nissan began selling luxury vehicles in North America under its Infiniti brand in 1989, entered into a strategic alliance with French carmaker Renault in 1999, and introduced the fully electric Leaf hatchback in 2010.

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