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Founded in 1914 in Bologna by a group of brothers, Maserati spent the next 20-plus years building and racing cars primarily for competition. Because racing cars is rarely profitable, though, the brothers were forced to sell their company in 1937. The company lived on into the postwar years, still primarily selling racing cars, but by the late 1950s also selling more road-going GT cars like the 3500 GT and 5000 GT for wealthy clients.
Maserati has changed ownership several times, including Citroën from 1968-75 and De Tomaso from 1975-93 and Fiat from 1993 to present, but has always produced memorable automobiles like the Ghibli, Bora, and Khamin.
In the twenty-first century, Maserati returned to top-tier racing with the Ferrari Enzo-based MC12 and has grown its sales with models like the GranTurismo and MC20 coupes, Quattroporte sedan, and Levante SUV. With the distinctive trident inspired by that of Roman god Neptune adorning its cars, Maserati also has one of the most recognizable badges in the business.

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