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Founded by Vincenzo Lancia in 1906 in Turin, Lancia became a pioneer of the monocoque chassis in the 1920s with its Lambda model. The first mass-produced car with a 5-speed gearbox as well as the first production cars with V-6 and V-4 engines were all Lancias.
Lancia found success in road racing at events like the Targa Florio and even had a brief go at Formula One in 1954-55, but Lancia is associated more than any other carmaker with the sport of rallying. The Fulvia, Stratos, 037 Rallye, Delta S4, and Delta HF Integrale kept Lancia at or near the front of international rallying from the 1960s to the early 1990s.
Fiat acquired Lancia in 1969, and from the 1990s to 2000s the brand largely diminished. Today, Lancia’s focus is primarily on the Italian market with a few humble models, but the company’s innovative history and particularly its rally successes have kept it alive in the minds of many enthusiasts.

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