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Select the International (IHC) model you want to see current market prices for
International Harvester, or International for short, long served the agricultural community with tractors and other farming equipment, but collectors remember the company best for its work-a-day line of pickup trucks as well as the much-loved Scout SUV.
The Midwestern company produced light- and medium-duty pickups with inscrutable alphanumeric names like L-110, R-100, and D-1000 from the early 1900s until 1975. The models shared common traits of strength, minimalism and affordable durability, making them especially appealing to practical, no-frills buyers.
The International Scout and Travelall were some of the first SUVs to hit showroom floors, and the models proved popular with the emerging “go anywhere” segment of buyers. A range of engines, from inline four-cylinders to V-8s ensured wide appeal, and more than half a million were made until 1980, when International walked away from the consumer market and instead chose to focus on its commercial products.
Today, International’s trucks and SUVs stand out against the more familiar Ford, Chevy, Dodge, and Jeep models they competed against from new.

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