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Select the Honda model you want to see current market prices for
Founded as a motorcycle manufacturer in 1948 by Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa, Honda remained a bike maker until releasing their first production car to Japanese buyers in 1963 in the form of the T-360 mini-pickup. Already popular in the US for their two-wheeled vehicles (thanks largely to their “You meet the nicest people on a Honda” ad campaign), the company introduced their first car on American soil in 1969 … just as the muscle car wars were hitting their peak. Things changed in 1979 when the Accord was introduced; it’s since become the best selling passenger car in America.
Nowadays Honda makes everything from lawnmowers to robots and dozens of other products in between, but behind it all is the legendary reliability the company has become known for. Collectors mostly value Honda motorcycles like the CB750, though sportier models like the CRX and S2000 are gaining popularity while a new generation of highly-tuned Civics are turning heads as well.

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