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Founded in 1899 in Turin, Fiat (which stands for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino) is one of the oldest and largest carmakers in the world. Primarily known for selling everyday passenger cars, Fiat has also built icons of Italian automotive culture like the Topolino, the 500 and the 124 Spider, as well as ambitious sports cars like the 1952-54 Fiat 8V and 1966-73 Dino.
Many of Italy’s most famous automotive brands fall under the Fiat corporate umbrella, including Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Lancia. In 2014, Fiat S.p.A. merged with Chrysler Group to form Fiat Chrysler, and in 2021 Fiat Chrysler merged with Peugeot S.A. to form the new multinational company called Stellantis.

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