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German-born brothers Fred and August Duesenberg started designing and building cars in the 1900s and in 1913 established the Duesenberg Motors Company. After success in the early Indy 500 races, the brothers relocated to Indianapolis and founded the Duesenberg Automobile & Motors Company. The eight-cylinder Duesenberg Model A was a notable success. On track, Duesenbergs won the French Grand Prix in 1921 as well as the Indy 500 in 1922, 1924, 1925, and 1927.
It was the introduction of the Model J in 1928, however, that put Duesenberg on the list of all-time greats. A marvel in terms of technology and performance, the Model J featured a massive straight-eight engine. Bespoke coachwork found its way to Model Js, which were bought by celebrities, industrialists, and royalty. Supercharged versions called the SJ and SSJ were even more impressive.
Despite critical acclaim, Duesenberg couldn’t survive the Great Depression, and production ceased in 1937. Even many decades later, though, Duesenberg’s reputation remains, and the 20th century phrase “it’s a Duesy,” referring to something special or one-of-a-kind, references this top-quality American automobile.

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