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Founded by Walter Owen (W.O.) Bentley in 1919, Bentley quickly established a reputation for endurance in racing and hill climbs. By 1930, the large but fast and durable Bentleys had won the 24 Hours of Le Mans five times.
In 1931, financial troubles led to Bentley’s acquisition by Rolls-Royce. Unhappy working under Rolls-Royce, W.O. Bentley left his company after his contract expired in 1935 to join Lagonda. Meanwhile, Bentley continued to produced luxurious, handcrafted cars that combined classic luxury with high performance. Aside from some special cars like the R-Type Continental, though, most post-World War II Bentleys were little more than rebadged Rolls-Royces.
In the late 1990s, the two iconic British luxury brands were separated, with Rolls-Royce Motors going to BMW AG and Bentley going to Volkswagen AG, where it remains to this day. Under Volkswagen’s ownership, Bentley experienced a renaissance with models like the Continental GT and increased sales. The company’s contemporary lineup features a blend of sophisticated grand tourers and SUVs that combine powerful engines with sumptuous interiors in some of the most expensive and exclusive cars on the road.

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