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Italian police use a Lamborghini to rush a kidney 300 miles in two hours
Police in Italy drove like the wind to deliver a donor kidney from Padua to Rome for an emergency transplant. With blue lights ablaze the officers hustled their Lamborghini Huracán down the autostrada at an average speed of almost 150 mph, completing a journey that normally takes six hours in just over 120 minutes.
Boasting a top speed of just over 200 mph, the heroic Huracán joined the force in 2014 and was built to a unique specification. Extras include cameras, a police computer, radio, gun holster, a defibrillator and, crucially in this instance, a refrigerator in the frunk for transporting organs.
After the rescue mission the State Police tweeted, “To save a life you don’t need superpowers.” You just need a Lamborghini, it seems. You can watch a video of it in action below.
Grazie alla nostra @Lamborghini Huracan abbiamo trasportato in tempo il rene di un donatore per il trapianto a una persona
“Per salvare una vita non servono superpoteri” anche solidarietà, tecnologia ed efficienza aiutano @CNTrapianti @MinisteroSalute #essercisempre#5novembre— Polizia di Stato (@poliziadistato) November 5, 2020
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