Alvis will share all its original drawings and service manuals with you for free

Alvis is a historic British carmaker that’s mostly forgotten now, since the last Alvis-branded model was built in 1967. After its merger with Rover and then with British Leyland, the company founded in 1919 suddenly had no future in the car business and so continued as a defense specialist, first under Vickers and then under BAE Systems.

In 2009, Alvis genuine parts supplier Red Triangle bought out the defunct automaker’s remaining assets, resuming operation at the brand’s former headquarters in the Kenilworth factory. Alongside numerous tools and wooden bucks, this building is also home to 50,000 factory drawings, technical data sheets, and correspondence files.

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Máté Petrány
alvis car rear three-quarter
Máté Petrány

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Máté Petrány
alvis car rear three-quarter
Máté Petrány

Last summer, Red Triangle announced that it will start building continuation models, using new old stock 3.0-liter engine blocks and fuel injection for three 1950s body styles.

Reacting to the COVID-19 outbreak, Alvis has closed its workshop until further notice, yet it also assigned one of its experienced factory technicians to help Alvis owners online. Realizing that enthusiasts will have plenty of time on their hands in the coming period, Alvis can now be contacted via, with the opportunity for owners and restorers to share images or videos of issues they encounter.

With free access to all the original drawings and service manuals, as well as the rare parts supplied by the company, there’s really no excuse for not fixing your Alvis, the perfect British luxury car to show Bristol drivers what’s what.

Of course, if you drive a 1923 model, your priorities may shift.

vintage alvis car getting worked on
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