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The Baby Blue Bomb Is Back in the Family
Hagerty is celebrating its first-ever HDC Days from June 21 to June 23, with great discounts from our partners, choose-your-own adventure experiences, contests, and more. We’re also celebrating all this week online with some terrific cars and trucks owned by Hagerty Drivers Club members. Like this one . . .
Albert Bertagnolli
Lander, Wyoming
In 1956, my dad, Jack Bertagnolli, was a mechanical engineering student at Colorado A&M University. For months that year he was holed up in his garage customizing what would become the Baby Blue Bomb—the car of his dreams and the beginning of a tale that would span decades and generations.
“Bomb, of course, is hot rod parlance for a souped-up, hopped-up, be-decked and be-dizened motor car, complete with chrome-plated sprinklers (or jugs, if you prefer) and racing cams,” reported The Rock Springs Miner, a Sunday newspaper serving western Wyoming in its July 17, 1955, edition. In his interview with the paper, Dad predicted he’d hit 130 mph and 250 horsepower when it came time to finally fire up the car. “It should be all right,” he said, “if it doesn’t blow up.”

The 1934 Ford 5-window coupe was a hybrid hot rod with a ’51 Hemi 331 married to a Columbia two-speed rear end from a ’37 Lincoln Zephyr. His creation was channeled with a six-inch drop-front axle and a ’32 Ford grille.
Additional innovative features for the time, as reported by the Miner, included a racing cam that could lift the valves higher and hold them open for a longer time than on a conventional engine, a custom design that created more power and more acceleration. Dad also installed door openers and a trunk raiser, with the doors opening with the push of button, and the trunk lid raised electrically by the mechanism from an old convertible top. When he was asked about the cost of the Baby Blue Bomb, he replied, “The cost? Just fantastic, that’s all. Just fantastic.”
When he finally fired up the coupe, it performed even better than he had hoped. He drove it daily and used it to travel around Fort Collins.
In 1958, when he and my mom got married, Dad sold his little blue hot rod for $1500 and used the money for a down payment on a home, where they could start their family.

Dad was so proud of that car, and while I was growing up, he talked about it all the time, often with an old photo in his hand. He shared so many details, too, like how he reversed the rear wheels to bring the tires closer to the fender, and how he hand-built the intake manifold to use four Stromberg 97 carburetors. I think the best record of that hot rod, however, was the story that ran in the Rock Springs Miner.
I spent years trying to locate his old hot rod, and I always theorized it might still be somewhere in Wyoming. Well, on July 5, 2015, while searching a social media site that focused on the history of Rock Springs, I came across a post showing a young man standing next to a baby blue ’34 Ford. I sent the poster a message, and after several back-and-forths and a phone call, I was confident this was Dad’s car.
It was owned by a fellow named Gus Hernandez, the very same guy who had purchased it from my dad in 1958, and through the years he had moved several times, always storing the car safely in a shed and only making minor changes to it along the way. When I found him, he and the car were in Billings, Montana.

Gus was a classic hot-rodder, and in addition to the ’34 Ford, he had a ’66 Corvette and a big-block T-bucket. He was also so certain that he was going to get the ’34 back on the road “next summer,” that he easily declined my offers to buy it.
Finally, on September 11, 2018, after three years of trying to convince Gus that the hot rod should be returned to a Bertagnolli, he relented, and the Baby Blue Bomb arrived back in Wyoming—60 years after its original sale. It was partially disassembled, but all of the components were there, just the same as when Dad had sold it.

Immediately I got to work restoring and enhancing the car. The channeling job was rather crude, so I installed a new floor. The engine, transmission, and rear end have all been rebuilt. I kept the original hydraulic “juice brakes” in the front and early drum brakes in the rear but made some safety modifications to the master cylinder and slave cylinder for the brakes and clutch.

During the disassembly process, I was treated to a great surprise while removing the original headliner: Dad had tucked several fraternity decals from Colorado A&M up there in the ’50s.
My dad gave up his dream car in the name of family more than 60 years ago. Today, my wife Angie and I travel to car shows across the west to show off the great work he did to build this legendary ’34 Ford 5-window coupe, the Baby Blue Bomb.
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Thanks for reaffirming that it’s not just about the cars,
It’s the people!
Cars were what my dad and I bonded over. Great story and I know exactly how that car makes you feel.
Thank you Albert B. for your story. And the happy tears.
What a great story.😄
I love the period piece history. I’m old enough (77) to remember when car guys (not many girls involved back then) had to fabricate nearly everything and only when companies like Edelbrock got into it as a business was stuff available to buy. This man fabricated a top end for dual carbs! These were pioneers in the car culture and the fact that what they built worked was fantastic. The best were at Bonneville salt flats and California desert Speed meets. Hot Rod magazine was a source book.
Wow what a story. Brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks for saying that first – this car and story will stick with me for a while.
What were the final ‘specs’ on the car…your Dad was thinking 130 mph and 250HP. Ever hit those marks?
A really great and touching story. The love of hot rods never fads. You are fortunate. I owned several old Fords “back in the day.” I hope some of them survived and are still on the road like your coupe.
This is the kind of story you should find and print more often. Absolutely great story and a beautiful real hot rod.
what a story–glad it’s back home–thanks for sharing
That is the best story ever.
Great story! My dad also had a baby blue 32 3 window which he sold for $1,200 in the late 60’s to help purchase a home. I’d love to get it back.