According To You: Items We Wish Were Under the Christmas Tree

The seller recycled his kid's Christmas wrapping paper to pack this disassembled big-bore into 10 boxes. Kyle Smith

We asked you, members of the Hagerty Community, about what Christmas presents you wanted under your tree, and your answers were delightful. Some were a bit optimistic, others were insightful, but all of them were downright thoughtful.

So have a look below and add your wishes for Christmas Past in the comments!

Motivation In a Box?

Honda-RA271-German-Grand-Prix-Engine and Engineers
Bernard Cahier/Getty Images

Ken_L: I would love to find a huge box of motivation to take the time and install all of the parts I have accumulated for the last nine years for my old Corvette.

Sajeev Mehta: This is the rarest gift to find!

Testors, Testors, 1, 2, 3…


DUB6: I’ve been limping along in fine-detailing my models for far too long with some crappy brushes and decades-old bottles of Testors paints. I finally asked Santa to bring me some new tools and supplies this year, including some bare metal foil so I can spiff up some of my older builds, including a bright red 1966 GTO hardtop, which has only lacked proper trim moldings since it was built years ago.

Other than that, I’m a pretty happy and fulfilled guy, who really just appreciates all the blessings he already has.

(A Few Days Later)

DUB6: Shoot, my wish wasn’t under the tree this morning! Santa must’ve left it in a bag behind the seat in the pick-up, as in he forgot to bring it in and it was cold last night and he didn’t want to go all the way out to the barn to retrieve it. Maybe later this afternoon!

Access To It All

Brandan Gillogly

NAMiata: The key to the Petersen Vault keys box, with Leno’s place a close second.

Gotta Get a Getrag

1990 Pontiac Grand Prix STE Turbo
1990 Pontiac Grand Prix STE TurboPontiac

Barry: A new old stock Getrag 284 manual transmission, or at least a rebuild kit for one! 🙂

Sajeev Mehta: Now I want boxes of GM F40 6-speed manuals under the tree so I can give them to people with GM projects that bring me joy!

Bushes Under the Tree?

Corvair Suspension bushings
Kyle Smith

TG: A set of suspension bushings that last more than eight years.

Sajeev Mehta: Rubber rarely lasts that long, assuming you don’t have climate-controlled storage. But maybe polyurethane bushings will squeak around for longer than that?

Tools Never Hurt

tools in chest in van
Kyle Smith

hyperv6: Tools are always welcomed.

Someone’s Really Been Good…

Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Coupe with ZTK Performance Package Front Three Quarter

ParaboTech: An added two- or three-car garage with 12-foot ceilings and associated driveway and landscaping. Then I’d get a two-post lift for said garage, a C8 Corvette ZR1, a travel trailer, and a comfortable retirement so I can have time to use all of the above.

DUB6: Man, you must have a helluva big tree! 😁

Keep It Simple!

Vintage Turtle Wax Gift Pack
eBay | ebgrier_5

paul s: I always get a nice variety of car care products as part of the stocking stuffer package. That’ll do me just fine. Maybe add a nice prime rib to go in the oven (with all the trimmings!) and it’s a great end to a crazy holiday with mad shoppers on the road.

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Read next Up next: Old and New: Musings on a Pair of Nissan Pickups


    Since you’re highlighting Turtle Wax products their Trim Restore works about the best that I’ve used. Easy to apply, under 20 bucks. The prime rib was a choice cut but still delicious. I do a horseradish cognac gravy.

    That gravy sounds really interesting (although my cardiologist might disagree). So can I alter my wish to include an invitation to paul s murray’s table for New Year’s dinner?

    I normally would do a hollandaise for the asparagus but with the cauliflower with cheese sauce it seemed a bit too rich even for me. Didn’t want to move the meal out of the “Our Healthy Choices ” list.

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