Living the Gran Turismo Life: Celebrating R’s Day in a Nissan Skyline GT-R

Rafael Garcia

Arguably the Nissan Skyline GT-R needs no introduction to any true automotive enthusiast. After its success on the racetrack, the Skyline GT-R was given the nickname of its homeland protector, Godzilla. And thanks to the Playstation generation, the GT-R has a fanbase like no other. 

Founded in 2016, R’s Day USA is a highly anticipated annual event for owners and enthusiasts to gather and celebrate the motorized monster from Japan. This year’s R’s Day, on May 26, would be my third, but this time was different because I had the pleasure of sharing it with my younger brother, Hunter Blakely, as we both took the wheel of my Nissan Skyline GT-R R33 at Monterey, California’s WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. The day was filled with adrenaline, excitement, and brotherly bonding.

When the announcement was made that the 2024 R’s Day would be at the iconic Laguna Seca, I called Hunter to invite him to go. We both grew up with a case of automotive passion from our parents, who were active members of the Texas A&M Sports Car Club, and before we could get our drivers licenses, we had to complete a full season of autocross.

Nissan Skyline GT-R silver rear three quarter
Rafael Garcia

Initially, though, we thought about passing on this adventure, as circumstances seemed to be stacking up against us. For those of you who are racers, you know that the expense can creep up on you very quickly. From new tires, wheels, fluids, and brakes, I was starting to waver in my decision to go. Then we made the drive down to Toprank Importers, a GT-R specialist located in Cypress, California, to catch up with some old friends and help them prepare their vehicles for R’s Day, and we decided that there was no way we could miss out on this event.

With the chaos going on around the shop, Hunter jumped right in, as he is a seasoned self-taught mechanic and was right at home in the busy garage. Everyone scrambled to prep the final setup, and with encouragement from Toprank’s Brian Jannusch and Sean Morris, Hunter and I began going over my car. Fortunately I’m a bit of a psychopath when it comes to the care of my vehicle, so there were only a few things that needed to be addressed.

Before heading out we stopped by the Hagerty Garage+Social in Los Angeles, to show my brother where I work. I’ve been with Hagerty for nearly two years in their Garage+Social facility, aimed at providing concierge service and care for high-end and collector vehicles. After letting Hunter sit in a stunning green Porsche 911-based RUF CTR, we jumped on the highway and began making our way north. 

This road trip would be my first in my GT-R. Though it’s my daily driver, I’d never taken it outside of Los Angeles. The RB26 straight-six engine hummed a perfect tune as we cruised up Interstate 5 towards the track. En route we discussed the history of the Laguna Seca—its challenging turns, and the famous downhill Corkscrew, a notoriously difficult section of the track.

Nissan Skyline GT-R silver front three quarter vertical
Rafael Garcia

We arrived at the track to join some other GT-R owners, and then headed out to a local meet-and-greet for R’s Day attendees. After dinner with friends, we made our way to our hotel, and did our best to fight off the excitement so we could get some sleep.

The atmosphere at Laguna Seca was electric. The crisp morning air chilled the lungs as we began setting up our pit area. If you’re going to do a track day, arriving early and taking the time to check and double-check things is key. After we were done, we helped the Toprank crew organize their pit area.

Soon, enthusiasts from all over began to arrive in their Skylines, each one a testament to their owners’ style and taste. With about 130 cars in attendance, the sight of so many GT-Rs in one place was awe-inspiring.

After our drivers meeting, Hunter and I were fighting a case of nerves as we stood in pit lane, looking up to the front straight. The moment we had been preparing for was nearly here.

Nissan Skyline GT-R silver front three quarter
Rafael Garcia

Laguna Seca is renowned for its challenging layout, and it was our first time driving on the track. We spent time reviewing videos, discussing strategies for each turn, and even got in a few sessions on Gran Turismo. I was sure that the Corkscrew, with its blind crest and dramatic drop, would be the most challenging part of the track, only to find out that for me, it was the front straight and the drop into Turn 1. Hunter listened intently as I shared my thoughts and tips from my own experience, as well as talking with fellow drivers who had been on the course before.

Nissan Skyline GT-R silver blur action
Rafael Garcia

I drove in the first session. As I exited pit lane onto the track, only the howl of the 2.6-liter engine and its twin turbos could be heard over my heartbeat. After a while I could feel tears running down my cheeks. As I approached the Corkscrew for the first time, it became very apparent how true it was that for a moment you can’t see the track, only the sky.

With a quick left and right turn of the steering wheel, I was driving down the infamous Laguna Seca Corkscrew! As I throttled back on power, all I could do was emit a victorious yell. Coming around the corners and onto the straight, getting back on the power and seeing other drivers and enthusiasts cheering as the cars raced by, was truly an unreal feeling.

Nissan Skyline GT-R silver rear three quarter
Rafael Garcia

For the second session, Hunter took the wheel and I sat in the passenger seat. As he rolled onto the track, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The roar of the engine as he accelerated down the straightaway was music to my ears. His first lap was cautious, as he familiarized himself with the car’s handling. I could tell it was a bit rattling as he had never driven on a track with other vehicles actively passing him. If you’ve ever had an R35 GT-R pass you at speed, you know it’s like a very big house just flew by. Hunter piloted the GT-R as if it was an extension of himself, and it was awesome watching him become more comfortable as his confidence increased.

With each lap, Hunter’s driving improved. He became more adept at handling the tight corners and navigating the track’s unique challenges. The R33 responded beautifully to his commands. I felt a sense of pride as I looked over at Hunter behind the wheel. He was mastering the art of performance driving, and I was right there in the passenger seat to see it all.

The highlight of our ride was undoubtedly Hunter’s approach to the Corkscrew. As he drew closer to the blind crest, I held my breath. His execution was flawless; he handled the drop with precision, maintaining control and speed as he accelerated out of the corner and aimed for the apex of the next turn. It was a moment of triumph that encapsulated the spirit of R’s Day. 

As the day progressed, the camaraderie among the drivers and the support from fellow GT-R enthusiasts created an environment of shared passion and mutual respect. By the end of the day, Hunter and I had not only gained valuable track experience but also forged unforgettable memories.

A massive shoutout to Rami Garcia, who captured these photos of Hunter and me on track in my R33. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t order multiple photos as posters to hang up.

Nissan Skyline GT-R interior guys
Rafael Garcia

Driving back home, Hunter and I reflected on the day’s events. One would have thought we’d be exhausted from the day, but we were running on the last bit of adrenaline and talked the entire drive back. We discussed R’s Day, and all of the different cars that we had seen, the challenges of the track, and the incredible community of GT-R enthusiasts. For Hunter, it was an experience that fueled his passion for racing. For me, it was a day of immense pride, watching my younger brother take on one of the most challenging tracks and emerge victorious.

R’s Day was more than just a track event—it was a celebration of brotherhood, passion, and the love for the Nissan Skyline GT-R. What I took away from this experience isn’t the excitement of racing, or driving my dream car, or even being at a place that, for a long time, only existed for me in video games. This day will always hold a special place in my heart because I was able to share my passion with one of the people who means the most in my life, my brother.


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