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One-of-one Rolls-Royce camper is your ticket to retro glamping

You can find the strangest things on eBay. Our browsing habits lead us to this listing and it stopped our scrolling in its tracks. A Rolls-Royce camping trailer? Rolls-Royce actually made those? No, it turns out, Roll-Royce did not.
A museum is making room in its collection by selling this one-of-a-kind camping trailer built from the remnants of a 1933 Rolls Royce. The trailer, commissioned by its original owner to pull behind his 1936 Rolls-Royce, has plenty of storage underneath its bed for all of the creature comforts you’d like to pack along on the journey. Once it reaches its destination, the camper can unfurl its top, supported by the 1933 Rolls-Royce folding top, and provide a tent canopy. There’s even a propane-powered vintage two-burner stove, because only the truly uncivilized cook over a smoky campfire.

The camper uses a Rolls-Royce axle with drum brakes, but don’t count on them to be functional. It does, however, have the proper lights and four-wire harness. Luckily, the total weight of the trailer is estimated to be just 600 pounds, so additional braking shouldn’t be a concern. That axle is mounted with Rolls Royce wheels and a special wrench is provided for the locking hubs. As noted in the listing, it’s suggested that new tires be installed before the trailer hits any stretch of highway.

Used only sparingly since its restoration in the 1960s, this unique trailer is probably not the best match for toting behind your Cullinan. It may make a splash at Pebble Beach if the Concours d’Elegance ever hosts a trailer class. Until then, it will have to settle with being the classiest coach at the KOA.
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