Are Labatt’s Streamlined Semis the Coolest Trucks Ever?

A 1937 streamliner from the second series on display at the Great Lakes Exposition in Cleveland. Getty Images

These days in our hypercapitalist world, when people hear the term “streamlined,” the unfortunate association tends to be one of profits, of paring down some aspect of a business or process in order to synergize efficiencies for the shareholders. Bletch. 

In the car world, which is a better world, an ideal world, the term means something altogether better, sexier, slipperier. 

The streamline moderne movement of the art deco period took hold in the early 1930s, and the smooth, elegant architecture and industrial design that emerged still captivates our imaginations and influence our collective aesthetic. We love a teardrop.

French coachbuilders were masters of the movement as applied to the automobile, with cars like the Talbot-Lago T150, Delage D8 120, Delahaye Type 135, and Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic all designed to cheat the wind. Mercedes-Benz and Tatra had their own entries, as did Pierce-Arrow, Cadillac, Chrysler, and more here in America. 

But if there was any one man who mainstreamed streamlining in this country, it was the Russian-born Ukrainian aristocrat Count Alexis de Sakhnoffsky. An industrial designer with a knack for creating attractive products people wanted to touch, hold, and use, his work influenced everything from fountain pens and watches to kitchen appliances to cars and trucks. He was in the fortunate position to wield some of that influence in the pages of Esquire, for which he served as a longtime technical editor beginning with the magazine’s first issue in October 1933. 

On the automotive front, he designed the Cord Hayes Coupe, otherwise known as the L-29, which debuted in 1929 and won the 1930 Grand Prix design award at the Monaco Concours d’Elegance (the first such award for an American car and one of five in a row won by the Count at the prestigious show). He designed the all-new “Speedstream” line for Nash for 1934. In between he styled one-off coachbuilt bodies for the likes of Bentley, Minerva, Rolls-Royce, Packard, Cadillac, Mercedes, Fiat, and Voisin. 

1929 Cord Hayes Coupe
In 2012, RM Sotheby’s sold the influential Cord Hayes Coupe for $2.42M.Darin Schnabel 2011/RM Sotheby's

One could argue, however, that de Sakhnoffsky’s most influential designs took place during his 1930s partnership with the White Motor Company of Cleveland, Ohio. It was there that he styled not only the sightseeing Model 706 buses that would shuttle millions of visitors around America’s national parks for decades, but also the greatest delivery and promotional vehicle ever devised: Labatt’s Beer trucks. 

The Labatt Brewing Company of London, Ontario, employed its first delivery truck in 1913, a Ford Model T it used in conjunction with its fleet of keg-hauling horse-drawn wagons. Though prohibition in the province began in 1916, it didn’t stop Labatt from making full-strength beer for U.S. export, along with “temperance beer” of 2 percent ABV for sale throughout Ontario. To keep up with the demand, several more Fords joined the fleet, and by the early 1920s, trucks and vans had completely replaced traditional horsepower, and the stables had been converted to a garage. In the mid-1920s, according to former mechanic Arthur Robinson, Labatt sold off about 18 of its 1-ton Fords, which simply weren’t up to the task. By the end of the decade, the fleet was made up of roughly 10 REO Model Fs, a White, an International, and a trio of chain-driven Ruggles, among others.

Labatt's Beer horse-drawn wagon fleet
Labatt’s original fleet of delivery vehicles was decidedly less streamlined …Labatt Brewing

Prohibition in Ontario ended in 1927, but a ban on liquor advertising that lasted into the 1950s meant brewers like Labatt had to get creative with their branding and messaging. For company owner John Labatt, an attractive rolling billboard seemed just the thing.

In 1935, Labatt contacted White’s London (Ontario) office with the idea, which threw it to the design department in Cleveland. De Sakhnoffsky devised four different designs for the semitrucks, to be constructed in succession over the next decade. The first design, completed in 1936, to be unveiled at that year’s Canadian National Exhibition, featured a standard White single-axle tractor and a 20-foot single-axle, drop-frame Fruehauf trailer with a tapering roof. Toronto’s Smith Bros. Body Works constructed the sleek aluminum skin over a hardwood framework, reportedly working solely from de Sakhnoffsky’s sketches rather than detailed blueprints. The coachbuilder also added running boards and rear wheel spats to the cab to complete the look. Bright red paintwork with gold leaf lettering, applied in the workshop of Labatt’s Brewing Company, capped it off. Four of the first-series trucks were built.

1936 Labatt's Beer streamliner
Corbis via Getty Images
1936 Labatt beer delivery streamliners
The first series of streamliners utilized a fully custom trailer and standard White tractor, with running boards and wheel spats added by Smith Bros. of Toronto.Labatt Brewing

The next series debuted in 1937, with a new streamlined White tractor also mated to a Fruehauf trailer. Smith Bros. built 12 of them, and in addition to their beer-delivering duties, some of the trucks made the rounds that year at expos in Canada and the U.S., including Cleveland’s Great Lakes Exposition, where several of de Sakhnoffsky’s White designs starred. At the 1939 New York World’s Fair, the streamlined truck won a design award. According to a history of de Sakhnoffsky on, the trucks could carry 8.5 tons of beer and cruise at 50 mph. 

1937 Labatt's Beer streamliner
The second series of streamliners featured a White tractor that was more fully incorporated into the overall design.Labatt/Smith Bros.

Rarest of de Sakhnoffsky’s designs for Labatt are the third series, with just two built before World War II put an end to production. They differed not just in their styling but in their liveries; each was painted the standard red with gold trim and lettering but also included a deep blue hue. 

1939 Labatt's Beer streamliner
Just two of the third-series streamliners were built in 1939, before WWII put a stop to production.Labatt/Smith Bros.

Following the war, production resumed, and in 1947 the 10 trucks of the fourth series were built. These are largely considered to be the most iconic of the run, with radical teardrop White WA122 cabs looking like something out of Dr. Seuss’ Whoville, with a broad flat front, big, rounded windows, and a curved roof that tapers quickly back to the fifth-wheel decking and nearly fully enclosed drive wheels. The forward-tilt cabovers were powered by a 386-cid inline-six making 135 horsepower, with five forward gears.

Smith Bros. workshop building Labatt streamliners
All streamliner construction took place in the Toronto workshop of Smith Bros. Body WorksLabatt Brewing

Beyond their looks, technical innovations included an anti-jackknife device, the first trucks so equipped on Canadian roads. Fruehauf again provided the trailers, now 28.5 feet long, and even lower to match the lines of the cab, and the custom coachwork for all was again handed over to Smith Bros. The tractors and trailers of the fourth series could only be paired with each other—you couldn’t haul a fourth-series trailer with some other tractor, for instance—such were the ergonomics and tolerances of the design.

1947 Labatt's Beer streamliner
The fourth series of trucks, built in 1947, were the most fully realized of the streamliner designs.Labatt/Smith Bros.

Not only were Labatt’s trucks exceptional, its drivers were, too. The company ran a Highway Courtesy Program, and all drivers were required to stop and offer assistance to any stranded motorists they encountered. The program, like the trucks themselves, created great buzz for the beermaker.

1947 Labatt's Beer streamliner
Labatt/Smith Bros.

Labatt’s made good use of its innovative trucks until 1955, when it sold the streamliners, which were by then a completely outdated and inefficient means of cargo transport. The brewery began advertising by more traditional means and updated its fleet. Most of the trucks disappeared into obscurity, but the company does own one of the trucks from the fourth series, thanks to brothers Joe and Bob Scott.

In the mid-1970s, Joe Scott, the recently retired president of London’s White Truck Limited, along with brother Bob, a longtime Labatt employee, began searching for a fourth series truck to restore. The pair had already located and restored Labatt’s first 1919 keg truck, a White designed to carry 96 kegs, but their dream was a streamliner.

1919 White Labatt's Beer delivery truck
This 1919 White was the first Labatt keg hauler restored by brothers Joe and Bob Scott.Labatt Brewing

The Scotts tracked down a viable trailer then being used as a construction-site office, and they were able to re-create the cab from a pair of standard White WA122 tractors they’d uncovered. They scoured North America for parts but also fabricated many, as well as many of the tools used to construct the trucks originally. The restoration took more than four years, but the result, unveiled in 1983, was a rolling museum in red and gold. Labatt still displays it on occasion.

To commemorate these unforgettable staples of Ontario roads, as part of a run of stamps featuring 25 historic vehicles essential to Canadian transport history, in 1996 the Canada Post Corporation issued a 90-cent stamp featuring the 1947 Labatt’s Beer streamliner. Affixed to letters addressed to all corners of the globe, Alexis de Sakhnoffsky’s revolutionary trucks finally made deliveries outside of Canada. 

1947 Labatt's Beer streamliner restored
The 1947 streamliner restored by Joe and Bob Scott is now owned and displayed by Labatt Brewing Company.YouTube/OldCars

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    Are Labatt’s Streamlined Semis the Coolest Trucks Ever?

    If they’re not, I don’t know what’s ahead of them! Very cool story and pictures – I learned some things for sure, and understanding the various series’ changes throughout the years ties the photos all together.

    I want my beer for tonight’s 4 Nations championship game delivered in that!!!! The “Corbis via Getty Images” photograph might have been take at Maple Leaf Gardens. As a Leaf fan since 1960, i will believe that until corrected. Go Canada! Go USA! I am extremely conflicted. I learned how to play hockey in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. I didn’t learn how to be any good at it, but I love the game.

    I think that the photo may have been taken in front of the Automotive Building at the CNE grounds. I will have a look to see if any of the background matches. Both the Automotive Building and Maple Leaf Gardens have been renovated for other uses so the details may have been stripped away. I remember seeing these streamliners on the road during their commercial years. I was curious, being a truck enthusiast but not of beer consuming age. I celebrated the Team Canada win last night with a Wellington Dark Ale, not the late lamented Labatt’s Gold Keg Ale which was my favourite for years.

    Great information Geordie727! Thanks. I held 50 shares of MLG stock back in the mid-1990’s before Steve Stavros bought all the shares. At least it is being used and was not knocked down. Last I heard it is a grocery store and maybe Ryerson’s rink? Cheers!

    Yes the photos were in front of the Automotive Building at the CNE grounds in Toronto. Smith Brothers used the back drop as it was very close to the factory at Parliament and King Street, I grew up admiring the blue prints, drawings and photographs my family have from the production all of those amazing vehicles. Yes I am a Smith!

    I don’t think they have ‘stance’, however that might be defined, with too little tire and wheel behind the tractor.

    I’ve seen that restored truck in person more than 150 kms from it’s home, so it still drives. The brewery building in the horse drawn photo is still part of the brewery too.

    If my memory serves me correctly, I remember seeing the 4th series Labatt’s truck in the Kitchener/Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) Oktoberfest parade in the 80’s. Very cool truck, glistening red in the sunlight.

    I recall a gorgeous gold-painted Labatt’s streamliner plying Highway 7 between Kitchener and Stratford around 1950. Impressive then, still impressive. Cheers!

    I saw the 4th generation one in Kitchener as well. I also have a 1 of 100 1/43 scale resin models which is well detailed and a great addition to my 1/43 collection of vehicles. Why can’t today’s designers do something similar instead of all this big bulky straight lines in no order type of vehicles?

    Where I live in Tulsa we have a great collection of art deco buildings. It’s a pleasure to see the design applied to trucks. A big wow, one can look and study that craftsmanship for hours. They are pure moving artwork.

    The Scott brothers solicited the help of a Scottish Canadian body man named Gerry Heggarty to do the aluminum forming of the sheet metal to cover the hardwood frame. I worked with Gerry at Fanshawe College in London where he coordinated the auto body program. He did some of the work at the college where he used a leather-covered wooden mallet and and a wood stump to do the rough forming of the aluminum they had imported from Scotland. I recall Gerry heating the aluminum with an oxy/acetylene torch till it was just hot enough to scorch brown paper prior to hammering the shape. It was then finished on an English wheel. The Streamliner Truck was one of his proudest ‘builds”. He was an old school metal worker/coachmaker.
    Very interesting guy and a good friend.

    Might you be the Rod Cameron of Wingham, Ontario at one time? MG B, Lotus…? Brother Doug with the flag Mini?

    What anti-capitalist rant are you talking about? The creativity and imagination of the human mind never ceases to amaze. Great article Stefan. Thanks.

    Having once worked in the capitalist corporate world, I read that paragraph, recognized some of what I’d witnessed there, and smiled (as in, “right on”). I then went on to read the article which wasn’t about any of those things, but about tremendously interesting trucks.

    The Count also designed the well known streamlined “National Park” soft top (folding canvas) tour busses for White.
    You recently mentioned one will be up for auction in a Mecum sale soon.

    Stefan could have mentioned that to synergize the articles.
    Editors (like stockholders) love that.

    my brand of beer had the coolest delivery trucks ever! Now i have to find a way to see the restored truck “in the flesh”
    I have not seen a single new vehicle (face to face, so to speak)in the last several decades, that made me stop for a second, and third look, or think “that’s stunning”
    Today’s shapeless lumps do nothing for me

    Another Sakhnoffsky tour de force was the (very) low budget redesign of the 1929 American Austin to a very late 30s American Bantam simply by updating the fenders and adding a streamlined radiator surround. His efforts revitalized the moribund company, and since the winning Jeep prototype (the BRC, Bantam Reconnaissance Car) was a Bantam product, can be given a little credit for that achievement.

    I recall seeing one of these at Expo 86 in my hometown of Vancouver. I believe it is likely the Scott truck featured here. It was fantastic to see one up close as it was just parked right on one of the roadways in the fair. It did make me cringe a little to see everyone who wanted to climbing all over it. That said I did climb up for a closer look.
    An aside; de Sakhnoffsky was a Russian Empire born Ukrainian man as there was no such thing as Ukraine until Khrushchev created it during the Soviet period.
    Ukrainians are an ethnic people like Jewish people. They did not have a modern homeland until the mid-20th century. My mother’s family is Ukrainian but none were born in the Country Ukraine. They came to Canada in the early 20th century.

    I THOUGHT I remembered seeing that truck at Expo 86, but my “rememberer” ain’t always what it used to be, so I didn’t mention it. I’m pretty sure that the photo album of that road trip would take some digging to find, but I’m thinking there would be some shots of the truck (maybe with my sons standing in front of it) in that album!

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