This Ferrari 348 Was a Final Gift from Dad

Photo: Bill Nesius

Hagerty is celebrating its first-ever HDC Days from June 21 to June 23, with great discounts from our partners, choose-your-own adventure experiences, contests, and more. We’re also celebrating all this week online with some terrific cars and trucks owned by Hagerty Drivers Club members. Like this one . . .

David Curro
Brookfield, Wisconsin

As a teenager in the mid- and late-1960s, and being of Italian descent, I was crazy for all things Ferrari. Of course, it certainly didn’t hurt any that Ferraris seemed to win almost every race they entered. I must have been pretty vocal and persistent, because my father Frank said I was driving him crazy about Ferrari.

I was fortunate to have a few fast used cars over the decades, starting with a 1967 Camaro, then a 1970 Olds 442, then 1967 and ’68 Corvettes. I even fed my Italian heritage by picking up a 1967 Maserati Mexico.

In 2012, my father was 89 years old and facing surgery. Just prior to the procedure, I treated him to a dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant. Soon after we sat down, my dad said to me: “David, I have a small inheritance for you and your brother. What do you think you’ll do with your share?”

“Oh dad,” I said. “Don’t worry about the surgery. Your surgeon said it was a simple procedure.”

We talked and ate and about halfway through dinner he brought it up again. “Dad,” I said. “I’m uncomfortable talking about your demise. We’ll pay bills with the inheritance.” Then I changed the subject.

At the end of our dinner, Dad said he wanted to propose a toast with the remainder of his Lambrusco. “That’s the spirit!” I said, thinking it would be for a successful surgery and many more years of life.

We clinked our glasses together, and much to my surprise Dad said: “I think you should use your portion of the inheritance to buy the Ferrari you’ve always dreamed of.” I smiled and I said: “I’d like to see you live to at least 100 years old!”

Sadly, there were complications shortly after the surgery, and I lost my dear dad.

Because I was financially in a position to do just what Dad suggested with his gift, I selected a 19,000-mile 1992 Ferrari 348 ts! And to honor him as best I could, I chose the license plate:

1992 Ferrari 348ts license plate close up
David Curro

With the purchase of the Ferrari, I have entered a whole new world of wonderful experiences and new friendships. My little red car won the Platinum Award at the 2013 Ferrari Club of America International meet. As I sat in the open Ferrari waiting to receive the award, I looked up to the sky and said, “Dad, we did it!” Although the passenger seat was empty, it sure felt like he was present.

As a Ferrari owner, I became a director in the Ferrari Club of America, Master of Ceremonies for the Milwaukee Masterpiece Concours, Chairman of the Show and Glow Paddock, and received the “RESERVE” award at the Elkhart Lake Street Concours for sports cars during the 2021 Brian Redman Challenge at Road America. Mine was also a featured car for the Milwaukee International Auto Show.

We have made many new friends and enjoyed numerous road trips with our 348, now showing 51,000 miles and counting. All of this from my father’s suggestion and wonderful gift.

1992 Ferrari 348ts profile David Curro
David Curro


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