Rollin’ into the Weekend Like: Claude Lelouch in a Ferrari 275 GTB
Like every gearhead, the first time I ever saw the 1976 French film C’était un Rendez-vous, I was a drooling, envious mess. I mean, here was a guy who strapped a camera on the nose of his Ferrari and then ripped through pre-dawn Paris for eight minutes to meet up with his girl. Traffic signals? Forget it. Pedestrians? Watch out!
It was so captivating in the same way The Blair Witch Project would be two decades later, because it just had to be real, right? Those kids were as dead as this guy was alive. But, of course, nothing is as it seems.
If this is your first encounter with Claude Lelouche’s motoring masterpiece, enjoy. Even if you’re keyed into the movie magic, enjoy. Because it’s Friday, and who couldn’t use an unhinged romp through the City of Light before we all get stuck in traffic trying to get home for dinner?
I was under the impression that this was filmed in/on a Mercedes-Benz 450 SEL of the time, then edited with a Ferrari soundtrack.
Yes, that’s what I thought as well and it is likely what the author is referring to as “movie magic.” From what I have heard, the Mercedes Benz was used because the suspension of the Benz allowed for less shaking during filming. I think they may have tried the Ferrari first though and then used the Benz but anyone who has more knowledge about this, please feel free to correct me.
Hagerty’s own site has an article a couple of years ago saying it was shot with a stabilized camera on the front of a Merc.
And then there’s the extraordinary Vespa variant… 😉
Yes I learned here this was not whst it was claimed to be.
My brother drives like that all the time. 😉
The ICE audio is much more enjoyable than the visual.
Why was my mind reminiscing about the simpler, analog world, before HD video, cell phones, 9/11, the internet, passwords, 24/7 security cameras, and paddle shifting? I stand condemned as an obsolete old timer.
Probably because you are wearing rose colored glasses. Everything wasn’t as great as you think it was “back then.”