Buying and Selling Online Is Easy
If you’re ready to buy or sell a collector car and you have Internet access, you’ll probably start by researching. Two most important online methods to buy and sell are traditional online advertising and online auctions.
Online Advertising
Advertising a car, parts or other items for sale on the Internet should be the most familiar sales method because the process is so similar to traditional print advertising. The point of classified ads is to get the reader interested enough to contact you. Then it’s up to you to make the sale by phone, e-mail or in person. Here are some tips for selling via online advertising:
Make ads clear and concise.
- Photos are a must.
- Be ready to respond with information immediately.
- Be prepared to provide proof of ownership, additional images and supporting documents.
Online advertising ranges in price from free to hundreds of dollars per ad. Free ads are great, but paid sites with sharply focused target audiences tend to produce the best results.
Buy and sell classics with confidence
Online auctions are a hybrid of advertising and live auctions. Just like advertising, you need photos, a good description and a fair price before placing your car or parts for sale. The more time you spend preparing your listing, the higher the rate of success. The online auction allows the process to be condensed into as little as one week of time, and it allows buyers to bid on the car without the seller having to referee the process. The best part is that it happens automatically all over the world with minimal intervention from you, the seller.
Online auctions are great tools for buying and selling cars and parts, but there’s a lot to learn in order to do business effectively. For more information on buying and selling online, Hagerty Collector Network members can go to to download the free pamphlet “Pleasure and Peril: Buying and Selling Online.”